Re: Notre Dame to Hockey East
I hope not.
Which is potentially a legitimate complaint... what if you lost home ice by one point and during the regular season you lost your extra game against the top seed, while the team that beat you out for home ice, won their extra regular season game aganst the worst team in the league?
On the other hand though, not letting everyone in the playoffs, makes the last couple of weekends of the regular season much more exciting.
I would prefer to stick with the current format and just let the bottom 4 or bottom 3 miss the playoffs. With 4 teams out, it would put an even higher premium on every point. Obviously there already is, but it would be that much harder to make the playoffs.
Bertagna has said in the past that he is a big fan of the Final Five format with a play in game, wouldn't be at all surprised to see them go that direction.
I hope not.
Also, with an unbalanced schedule (assuming they would have one with 11), the premium on some points would be different than others. It would be interesting to hear the complaining in particular locations if one school that played more bottom feeders edged out a school that played more top schools.
Which is potentially a legitimate complaint... what if you lost home ice by one point and during the regular season you lost your extra game against the top seed, while the team that beat you out for home ice, won their extra regular season game aganst the worst team in the league?
This comment made me laugh a bit because all I typically hear from Easterners (minus a few specific fanbases) is that regular season titles don't really mean much as it is. It is solely about the Tournament.
Having all of the teams make the conference tournament is exciting, and allows for upsets and "miracle" runs to occur. It also gives the fans from those fanbases to rally around towards the end of the season. It doesn't render the regular season useless.
On the other hand though, not letting everyone in the playoffs, makes the last couple of weekends of the regular season much more exciting.