So what exactly is your solution Brent?
If you are upset the story leaked out before the women's team was notified, I agree, that was unfortunate. But I think at least in part that is really not on the University so much as it is on the selfish individual(s) who were given access to the information and elected to spill the beans before University officials could advise the team and coaches and release it to the media officially. That person should be fired.
But, let's ignore that crap for a moment and talk about the decision to actually cut the program. Is that what you are upset about, because if so, I'd really like to hear the solution.
Last I checked the U of M's women's hockey team lost about $1.5 million in 2016, just like North Dakota's, and your team is probably the most successful in women's hockey, in the center of a hockey state. Minnesota has kept it's women's hockey team and other money bleeding teams at the U alive entirely on the back of education. Last I saw, U athletics was running about an $8 million deficit annually, picked up entirely by tuition.
Great. Unfortunately we didn't have that option at UND. We're a school at best 1/5 the size of Minnesota, in a state of 650,000-700,000 people. Furthermore, they were instructed by the Legislature to cut $1.3 million from athletics, not just raise tuition by $1.3 million. We are a University. The primary purpose here is the education of students, not the fielding of athletic teams.
But we're all ears. If someone has a great idea, throw it out there. I'm sure there are other schools that would love to hear it.
I'm as big of sports fan as there is but realize education and the overall student body should come before sports. It's sad how many people don't feel this way.