Because BG scored more goals than NMU in the last 2 games...sheesh!
I came in to this thread last month and mentioned that BG was playing much better hockey in the second half of the season, trying to strike up a conversation, only to be completely ignored. Either you guys are completely stuck on yourself and have no interest in conversing with fans from other schools or I, being a fan of lowly BG, was unworthy of your attention. Whatever the case, you swept us earlier in February proving your superiority I guess. The Falcons apparantly took exception to that and felt that payback is a good thing, particularly in the playoffs.
I will point a couple of things out. We have 9 freshmen, 9 Sophomores, 5 Juniors, and all of 2 Seniors (who played for 3 different coaches). Of all of the points awarded to BG over the 3 games this past weekend, 20 went to Freshman, 3 to Sophomores, 3 to Juniors, 0 to Seniors. We are young, very young. The Freshman class is Bergeron's first full recruiting class. Out of the Sophomore class, 1 was brought in by Bergeron (Wojtala). Virtually all of our scoring comes from the Freshman and Sophomore class. We have no captains because it was felt by the coaches that no body had stepped up to take that roll, so captains are picked before each game and leadership would be by committee. It has, to say the least, been a learning process for the 2 lower classes and, I'm pleased to say, that the lessons are starting to take hold and we feel that the future looks pretty good right now. (5000+ fans in attendance for our last regular season game is a testament to that belief. A number that we haven't seen in a decade.)
Sorry to end your season a bit early again....but not really.