Let me respectfully offer a different take. This Superbowl is literally a once in a lifetime event for people in Louisiana, who've been suffering with the Saints for decades. Remember how terrible Tampa Bay was when they came in to the NFL, how long they went before winning a game? Guess who they beat for that first win? Yup. Remember Saints fans came up with "Aints" and the paper bag over their heads. How clever is that?
So when the Saints finally get to the promised land it's pretty close to a state holiday. So the school authorizes "black and gold" day. Anyone who wants to wear Saints colors can, but nobody is required to do so. How difficult is that to understand? This boy belongs to the "dot with the circle around it club," he's the dot and the circle is the rest of the world. He's determined to stick his love of the Colts in faces of everyone at the school. "Look at me, I'm a Colts fan in the land of the Fleur de Lis." Get a little attention, show off for the girls. He's entitled to root for anyone he wants, he's not entitled to rewrite the dress code to suit himself. Imagine his school was getting ready for homecoming and they suspended the dress code to allow students to wear school colors, and this dude shows up wearing the jersey of the homecoming opponant. Titanic First Amendment issue or just a show off kid?
Naturally, this trifling matter is of great concern to our friends in the ACLU, why the First Amendment is under attack here, and we've got to coming riding in like the 7th Cavalry to protect this boy's rights. Never mind the rights of the community and the other students.
Nothing should happen to this kid as a result of his bad jiudgement, but it was bad judgement. Done deliberately, to raise a fuss. In that sense, he got what he wanted. Based on my first hand knowledge of Louisiana football fans (everyone really should see a game in Tiger Stadium) I'm a little surprised nothing ELSE happened to him, know what I mean?