True story from today:
(Be warned this might not be very woke)
My GF and her friends went to a restaurant today atodthey were having a good time until the table next to them stayed causing problems. The 3 ladies were Muslims in hijabs. They ordered a risotto dish that had pork in it. IT WAS LABELLED AS HAVING PORK! The dish ca MN e and they threw a fit. They dressed down the young waitress and screamed for a manager. Manager came and apologized for the screw up (which it wasnt) and comped their meal. They called it racial profiling and disrespectful and that they should know not to serve pork to Muslims and they were ignorant fools.(apparently not reading the menu isn't fucking ignorant) Manager apologizes again and leaves.
End of story right? WRONG! Young waitress came back and apologized and said she learned a valuable lesson and will never make the mistake again. Thanked them for educating her. THEY DRESSED HER DOWN AGAIN! They accused her of racial profiling again, called her ignorant again and screamed and hollered. They demanded another manager who showed up and apologized and they continued to yell. He asked them to leave and they then said he was profiling them for being BLACK!
Now my GF and her friends all either worked in the service or had friends who did (and they had the same waitress so they sympathized) so they speak up. The Muslim ladies then start videoing the interaction and accuse them of racism and Islamophobia. The ladies finally leave after 45 fucking minutes...
Fuck you you fucking *****es. Fuck you for trying to White Guilt away your fucking mistake and not listening when people apologize. Fuck you for accusing people of racism to get your way. And fuck you for treating people how people treated you after 9/11 because you are too stupid to read a fucking menu!!
The waitress should've called out the pork dish when they ordered, but I suppose not everyone knows enough about Islam to know they don't eat pork. Seems likely to me that they knew the whole time and this was their strategy for scamming a free meal. Especially on 9/11. Very suspicious.