I hate to go against the crowd here, but I can't agree with this. Hockey is an awesome sport, and I think it's selfish of those of us who live in the North to say that we're the only ones who should get to have local NHL teams (and, for that matter, excludes some teams that aren't particularly "Southern"; even the Avs just barely make the cut). Some teams below that line (Blues, Sharks, Caps) draw well, and some teams above it (Islanders, Blue Jackets, this year even the Avs) draw poorly. If a Southern city has a solid fan base and supports their team well, why shouldn't they be able to do so? Southerners are people too.
Bettman's folly wasn't in the mere idea of putting teams in the south, it was that he chose his cities poorly. There was never any need for two teams in Florida or two teams in Southern California, for example.