So, naturally, there's been a massive amount of sports coverage about Tua.
And the core problem is that he passed the protocol on Sunday, right- so he ends up getting a worse concussion from a lesser hit.
How in the world did he pass the protocol? Just looking at his reaction to the hit on Sunday, it almost seems that they didn't take that into account. Seems- as I don't know if there's a way you get up from a head hit- grasping for your head, shaking your head, stumbling to the ground- and it not being concussion related. I suppose it's possible- I just don't know. But even if he passed all of the questions and eye movement tests etc- how in the world do you not take that post hit motion into account? And if you did take it into account- how is that not a clear indicator of a head injury?
That all being said, I know of a pretty simple case of a head injury from a fall that was missed and almost killed a person until it was INSISTED to check the head. The lack of interaction was ignored, the stomach unease was called a food issue, etc- when I was told of the symptoms, it sure seemed obvious to me it was a clear head injury that was getting worse. But the doctors missed it for a month, letting blood build up against the brain to a very dangerous level. So doctors can't exactly be fully trusted. What should have been a pretty simple procedure ended up being an emergency one followed by a month of rehab.