Molôn Labé!
Re: NFL 2010: Now Extended By Two More Posts
Jeez. A little predictable on the play calling there Brad?
Jeez. A little predictable on the play calling there Brad?
Marisa Miller hired as spokesperson for the NFL.
This is too funny.
With the amount of penalties I'm worried one of the refs might rip their rotator cant fault the Vikes D for the game so far.
Yeah that is all I got this game is boring.
With the amount of penalties I'm worried one of the refs might rip their rotator cuff.
BTW either Bret is hurt or Bevell/Chilli forgot there is more than 2 plays in the book
I'll take this performance from the Vikings. I need 5 points from the jets defense in fantasy to tie this week. Just keep sucking Brett.
Have you seen TJack play?If Brett is hurt, Put Jackson in there. He can't possibly be any worse at this point.
If Brett is hurt, Put Jackson in there. He can't possibly be any worse at this point.
Touche.Have you seen TJack play?
How can you be sure he wasn't celebrating by dropping the ball.Is anyone else surprised Holmes didnt celebrate dropping the ball?