To make my thoughts more clear about the #2 and #3 situation...
Given QU's resume, (with apologies to FS23, I haven't watched anyone. I'm going by the history of the conferences. But, there really hasn't been a year in which historical precedent of conferences was way off), I am sure they are not a 2, and not even a high 3. I think, therefore, that UMD and Michigan are the low 2, and the high 3. Therefore, the first round game should be UMD v Mich. Just hang on to that.
Now, some more comparing....
QU is 7-2 non-conf. As stated earlier, the wins are against Sacred Heart (2), Holy Cross (2), AIC (2), and Long Island (1). The losses were against Bowling Green (2).
I submit that this is not much better a resume than AIC (should they lose their final), or the next 2 highest AHA teams in the standings. The fact that they were 7-0 (no losses) suggests some consistency, and they deserve some credit for that. The 2 losses to Bowling Green are not high points in the resume, however.
And, therefore, I think's a completely fine idea to drop them below the level of LSSU, and perhaps even BSU (after all, 2 losses to a team in BGSU which I feel is not as strong as either BSU or LSSU).
So, With all that said, I would rank the teams as such:
NoDak, Minn, BC, MSUM, Wisc, Mass, SCSU, Mich....
UMD, LSSU, BU, Prov, BSU, AIC(auto), StL(auto) and the last team in is either Denver, Omaha or QU.
I would not want to be the committee trying to evaluate the group of Prov, BSU, Denver, Omaha and QU.
Nor would I want to try to parse out the Wisc, Mass and SCSU situation. And, that does make a difference because of how you bracket.
I also think that LSSU and BU are a bit difficult, although if the Lakers win tonight, I think that makes it easier.