THIS, if it were the only motivation, is something I'd be ok with, yet it's not BOTH Minnesota and Massachusetts being left out, only Minnesota, Mass still gets 5 tournaments from 2020-2026, Minnesota gets 1.
And your Title comparison? 5 teams with 8 titles vs 11 teams with 11 titles, doesn't say as much to bolster what you think you are saying as you think it does.
Also, UND with 6 titles is basically right on the Minnesota border and UW with another 6 titles is a short bus ride away from the Twin Cities and both relied heavily on the state of Minnesota to fill their rosters. Why are there ZERO tourney's held in Wisconsin? I mean, i know the answer, and it's legitimate, but doesn't change the fact that a state with 6 titles never gets even a Regional tourney.
And going forward, I'd bet my house that more Minnesota based teams will win Natl Titles and make FFs than Mass based teams.
Again, I am not arguing that all tournaments need to be held in Minnesota, lol. That would not help college hockey at all. But at the same time, for all that Minnesota has done to help build college hockey here in America, you'd think they wouldn't try SO HARD to avoid rewarding Minnesota in any way. I mean one out of forty tournaments, while Mass gets 5 and Penn gets 5, NH gets 4, NY gets 3 and even RI gets 2.
If the NCAA wants to promote hockey and get it out of saturated markets, why are they continuing to play so many tournaments in Eastern states??? Play ALL of our FFs in Vegas and Florida and maybe Arizona or Texas or Cali, as all would be neutral locations with pro hockey arenas and potential schools nearby that are considering starting up hockey, but don't avoid Minnesota while having lots of tourneys in Mass, NH, NY & RI and claim it's not biased and only for the good of college hockey.
Massachusetts has 11 titles from 3 teams
Minnesota has 8 titles from 2 teams
Massachusetts wins.