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This is mostly due to NCAA. It's a real stretch to assume those rules are in place specifically to keep western teams from thriving. A real stretch. Much more likely is that off campus feels much more neutral.
Is there Eastern bias? In some small ways, yes. Most Eastern fans have no idea about the distances between schools in the west. This is a cultural bias, not a hockey bias.
Is there some conspiracy about placement of teams in Regions to prevent 4 western teams from filling the F4? No. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that. The committee has been making justifiable choices about the regionals all of the time. No conspiracy.
And, this year, the likely distribution is 10-6. For the west. No bias there.
the "likely" distribution is 10-6, but we have yet to see that be the case.
And I'm basing my theory on DECADES of evidence, going all the way back to 1948, and also including Women's hockey. Constantly the NCAA does all it can to give Eastern teams advantages they don't deserve or haven't earned. Now maybe this is the best thing for college hockey in general, and IF that was their sole motivation, I would be reluctantly fine with it. And THAT, is part of the motivation, I'm guessing, but the East vs West issue has existed since the very beginning. An analysis of tourney data from 1948 to 1963, shows OVERWHELMING evidence that Western teams were clearly better than Eastern teams, yet not once did the West get more than 2 teams into the Frozen Four, and no matter how weak and pathetic the East was, they ALWAYS got their allotment of 2 guaranteed teams into the Frozen Four.
14 Champions in those 16 years, and 10 Runner Ups, so 24 Title game appearances out of 32 chances, and one of those years, 1961, that was forced by the 2 eastern teams being paired against each other in the Semis. Western teams outscored Eastern teams in E vs W matchups in 15 of the 16 seasons and in only 2 of those 15 seasons was it even close. I'll continue looking at 1964-1970, where I am sure the Eastern teams will start to look better, but my guess is the Western dominance will continue, for the most part. I limited my earlier comparisons to the last 50 years because I knew it would help the East, as things have gotten better for Eastern teams, but again, why is this? Because they are the little sisters of the poor needing the help and unfair advantages from the NCAA in an effort to even things up?