Sure he is. And so was I.
1. 4000 fans in an NHL sized venue is poor crowd. 4000 in a 10,000 seat building is mediocre. 4000 fans in a 4000 seat venue can be a great crowd.
2. OK, 8 first round games at campus sites might cause some loss of revenue. Maybe. But if so, it's at the margins. The Frozen Four is the breadwinner, whatever the regional format. I also have to believe that having the first round on campus would reduce costs in terms of travel, hotels & facility overhead.
3. Lack of seating capacity on campus? You seem to ignore the obvious fact you'd be working with 8 buildings rather than 4. I'll buy that the AHL buildings currently in use are twice as big as many campus arenas. But if you added up the chairs in 8 smaller buildings, I'll bet the total would be quite similar to the sum of the chairs in 4 AHL buildings. And even if the AHL total is slightly higher, how is that an advantage? The current reality is that the surplus chairs will just sit empty, even at the so-called "successful" regionals.
4. Lodging & Logistics are an argument against? Seriously? It's much easier to host one traveling team than the four required by the current set-up. And if Mr. MacInnes shows up to chat, he'll acknowledge that my format avoids a lot of locker room logistical problems caused by multi-team tournaments.
5. Lead time is a legitimate issue. But if the biggest concern is less branding/commercialism in the first round, I find myself almost wishing for that result.
One more point; this one isn't a direct reply. But I feel compelled to remind you that the Midwestern & Western Regionals have been mostly failures at the gate for many years. Recently they've been a little better due to:
1. The Success of the Dakota Regionals; and
2 Pretending that Eastern Pennsylvania is part of the Midwest.
While I applaud the results achieved at those sites, I certainly don't think we've found a permanent solution with these locations.
1. Sure. And it sucks that what I’m about to remind you of is true, but it’s an immutable fact: the NCAA wouldn’t last long, and neither would any theoretical replacement or other sports league, if they willingly gave up money for something that was cool. This will never <ever> be a reason that any sports league ever does anything.
2 & 4. You think travel to Mankato or Potsdam or (god forbid) Houghton is going to be a snap on a weeks notice? What about NCAA and ESPN’s logistics? There are a good 20 pages of requirements for hosting a regional, and having a year to prepare and plan is per of what makes them operate as efficiently as they do.
Not sure how well balancing logistics on a week’s time is going to go. Or are we going to tell every team in the nation to hold rooms and all the other logistics for a year, after they already have to do that (and have possible issues with blank venue dates or other conflicts), when they already have to do that for conference tourneys.
Also: the FF making more money isn’t a reason to let the first rounds potentially make less money. Unless we’re counting on only top level big ticket programs winning conferences every year (let’s look at this season as evidence that that is a bad call).
3. Those 4 venues host two games each in the first round. And your ticket prices reflect it. 4x2 is 8.
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