Have you ever banged a British man, mookie? They’re not anything to write home about from my experience
Check out "Hunger" tonight at 9:45 on Turner. It's set in 1981 about Irish Republican prisoners in the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland.
The Gray Man – it had potential but in the end it was just awful. Goesling and Thornton were completely wasted in this dreck-filled and overly cliched wants to be Bourne hot mess, and the major 'battle scene' in Prague was ridiculously preposterous. ****ed me off.
The Gray Man – it had potential but in the end it was just awful. Goesling and Thornton were completely wasted in this dreck-filled and overly cliched wants to be Bourne hot mess, and the major 'battle scene' in Prague was ridiculously preposterous. ****ed me off.
I'm kind of over Chris Nolan. After Tenet I just really don't care anymore. The guy is so full of himself and I can deal with that when the films are enjoyable but now he is so far up his own butt I just can't.
Following -- brilliant
Memento -- one of the best movies ever made
Insomnia -- (have not seen)
The Batman Derp -- fascism is gross and so are these
Inception -- solid
Interstellar -- solid, although jesus fuck that ending
Dunkirk -- (have not seen)
Tenet -- (have not seen)
In general, the bigger his budget the worse the movie. cf. Jackson, P. and Cameron, J.
I loved dunkirk.
Wow! What a lineup. I'm really impressed with the deep cuts they chose.
I'm also a little taken aback by seeing movies from the 80s now appear in TCM's catalog.
It was very good, but it would have been much better if they just did it in order. It's a historical movie, I don't see why it needed to be out of order, what did that accomplish.
What used to be the oldies station here moved to a classic hits format and plays everything up to grunge/90s now. I mean, it has been 30 years.