Wait, he WANTS hoffman? Also, romero's WHIP and era were league average for his rookie year. He's pitching great now, but if he regresses to last year's stats, he won't be that lights out. Then again, this is only his second season, so who knows what you'll get.
His bb/9 and k/9 aren't that much better than last year, the biggest increase is giving up 4 less hits per 9, which is usually outside a pitcher's control.
Hoffman is dead weight and a complete disaster this year. Burhle's WHIP is low like usual, but his walks are up and his K's are down, so unless those improve his ERA likely will stay kind of crappy.
On the other hand, Konerko's playing out of his mind, with something like 11 home runs, an ops over 1.000, and walking a lot. There's no way he's keeping this up all year, so by all means sell high, I just think romero and burhle aren't really going to help you that much. Romero could, but it's a roll of the dice. Burhle is declining. And what the heck are you doing with hoffman? Just release him, *someone* out there has to be better.
'Course it all depends how badly you're doing in your categories, how expendable konerko is, what categories you're even using, etc etc etc