Re: Minnesota vs Minnesota State: Home and Home 11/2-11/3
Sorry, I'm just going to say right now that you are full of garbage. You are definitely saying that MSU is dirty, because well, that's exactly what you said. Just look at your unprovoked posts about MSU.
Followed by...
If that's not saying our players are dirty, I don't know what is. Seriously, what kind of school is that bad at teaching logic, reasoning and reading comprehension?
Now, I'll be honest. The only people that I've heard saying these hits were dirty are SCSU fans. No offense, but I don't put a lot of weight behind that because your team was adversely affected in a very bad way (which I get, I'd be ****ed too). I give the same amount of weight to the MSU fans that said it wasn't even a major penalty because they are MSU fans and were affected adversely (albeit not nearldy as bad). The reality is that MSU isn't a dirty team anymore than any other team is....which is what you claimed as shown above.
My point with the Gravel hit is that you are claiming because of these 2 hits (that were apparently dirty due to the nature of the hit) I can make a claim that the fact that if the "type of 'hockey'" that MSU was allegedly playing was dirty, then logically Gravel's hit (in which he got kicked out because it was deemed to be by the refs), then SCSU must be a dirty hockey team that Motzko should needs to change. You know, just like Hastings needs to do. Either that, or you can just backpedal, admit that you were lashing out because your captain got hurt, and realize that it's part of the game. But that's just a suggestion based upon logic, not irrational anger.
/end snarky rant that's just meant to point out the inconsistency
So you can be snarky, but I can't?
Sorry buddy but I call it like I see it.
My first comment was meant to get under some Mav fans skins, looks like it worked.
My "cheap shot artist" comment was in direct response to MavHockey14 calling my statements on those hits as whining, so I responded with a snarky comment, seems you were unable to pick up on that.
For the last time, Do I think your team is dirty? No I don't. Do I think a couple of your players made some dirty hits in games that were no longer competative and went after high profile players in doing so in a way that I feel is cheap and could be considered attempts to injure? Yes I do.
Again, the fact that Hanowski is hurt has zero to do with me, or anyone else, calling those hits dirty.
Case in point, LeBlanc isn't hurt, in fact didn't miss a shift after Leitner's hit, but the hit was still dirty, unnecessary and cheap.
Gravel's hit is a 5 and a game misc by the rule, it has to be called that way if the ref is going to call a hit from behind so sorry it is in no way indicitive of the style of hockey he or SCSU plays and there is nothing about it Motzko needs to change, it's the way the rule is written, so that is a really poor example if you want to say that something SCSU did was "dirty"
The ref had discretion in calling both your guys for 5's and was correct in doing so.
Those two hits are not "part of the game" and "every team" does not do that when they are getting their asses kicked.
Two of your players decided differently, and that is not indicitive of the rest of your team even if it does resemble a style your former coach seemed to favor, that is if you can't beat them, beat on them.
Getting it yet?