Okay so what is the probability of them making the tournament if they go 3-1 or 3-2 the next two weekends?
"Need help" doesn't really tell much.
8 shots through 50 minutes
The Jeff Jackson put you to sleep plan still working!
Did N Dame play 5 on the blue line once they got the lead?
One team scored 9 goals tonight, the other 5 teams combined for 5 goals
Boy does this conference need a talent infusion on offense.
If the Gophers lose tomorrow, I don't think I can give this season anything higher than a D or D-. Last year was a C because it was Motzko's first year. But under .500 is not acceptable for Gopher hockey. Because this season should have higher weight, it's looking like a D+ overall right now for Motzko's first two years.
The Big Ten has Gopher hockey on life support after hurting the program for seven years now.
What in the flying **** was that?
ND looked terrible and the Gophers looked competely inept. Across the entire lineup.
I went to the game and was so ******ed. Not so much the result, because I half expected it, as the lackadaisical and disinterested play. So when I got home I watched the DVR of the last two state high school semifinal games. I really didn't care which teams won, but I marveled at how hard all those kids tried...TOTAL TEAM EFFORT AND INTENSITY BY EVERYONE, like their seasons depended on it, which of course they did. Well, tonight, the Gophers' LACK of team effort and intensity was such a stark contrast from the high school kids, it made it even more of turnoff for this longtime Gopher hockey supporter. Why in the world would you not try your hardest when your season is literally on the line?Boring game.
I went to the game and was so ******ed. Not so much the result, because I half expected it, as the lackadaisical and disinterested play. So when I got home I watched the DVR of the last two state high school semifinal games. I really didn't care which teams won, but I marveled at how hard all those kids tried...TOTAL TEAM EFFORT AND INTENSITY BY EVERYONE, like their seasons depended on it, which of course they did. Well, tonight, the Gophers' LACK of team effort and intensity was such a stark contrast from the high school kids, it made it even more of turnoff for this longtime Gopher hockey supporter. Why in the world would you not try your hardest when your season is literally on the line?
Something is wrong, and when their season ends in a day or two, some serious evaluation and soul-searching needs to begin to take place. I'm still hoping we have the right head coach to right the ship, but the next two seasons are crucial: we should expect to see the team take two big steps forward.
Put these things in order of when they will happen:
UND gets to 10
UMN gets to 6
UMD gets to 5
MNSU gets 1
SCSU gets 1