Michigan Tech Fan
Re: Michigan Tech 2018 Off-season - The Next Step is Just Inches Away...
I've never really paid close attention to season ticket info since I live in Denver, but I saw some details posted along with the intra-squad game info. Didn't think I would ever see $20/game to watch Tech hockey. I always used to shake my head when I stepped up to the ticket window at other schools wondering if an NHL game was going to be played that evening as well for the prices they were charging. It appears the schools is really banking on Tech hosting playoff games since they are charging $204 for an 8-game package + playoffs. If Tech misses the playoffs, you paid $25+ per game for $20 seats. Assuming the best case scenario of 8+3 playoffs, that's $18.50 per game for $20 seats. Other than having the same seat all the time not much incentive to buy in bulk. I'm assuming everyone has to pay for WCHA semi and finals tickets because the league needs to get paid their cut for those games.
I guess they are also assuming season tickets will be less than 50% of the rink capacity because they are promising playoff tickets to all STHs, even the ones that purchased Friday or Saturday only packages.
I do applaud Tech for making the same seat half price for a child ($10) to keep it a family friendly event from a cost stand point. Not that $60 for a family of four is chump change, but much better than $80. Especially because Tech needs the same people to attend more than once a year to keep attendance up. There are not enough people in the area to fill the rink with new people every game. You need a core group of about 2000 that will show up for every game and then another 1000 that vary from game to game and come a couple times a year.
I've never really paid close attention to season ticket info since I live in Denver, but I saw some details posted along with the intra-squad game info. Didn't think I would ever see $20/game to watch Tech hockey. I always used to shake my head when I stepped up to the ticket window at other schools wondering if an NHL game was going to be played that evening as well for the prices they were charging. It appears the schools is really banking on Tech hosting playoff games since they are charging $204 for an 8-game package + playoffs. If Tech misses the playoffs, you paid $25+ per game for $20 seats. Assuming the best case scenario of 8+3 playoffs, that's $18.50 per game for $20 seats. Other than having the same seat all the time not much incentive to buy in bulk. I'm assuming everyone has to pay for WCHA semi and finals tickets because the league needs to get paid their cut for those games.
I guess they are also assuming season tickets will be less than 50% of the rink capacity because they are promising playoff tickets to all STHs, even the ones that purchased Friday or Saturday only packages.
I do applaud Tech for making the same seat half price for a child ($10) to keep it a family friendly event from a cost stand point. Not that $60 for a family of four is chump change, but much better than $80. Especially because Tech needs the same people to attend more than once a year to keep attendance up. There are not enough people in the area to fill the rink with new people every game. You need a core group of about 2000 that will show up for every game and then another 1000 that vary from game to game and come a couple times a year.