The Troll mtu86
stuck below the bridge
Re: MICHIGAN TECH.... 2016-17 season. The 96th season of Hockey.
OK, after a long hiatus (too lazy to make a new password), I'm back. Mostly because I'm curious how close Shirtless is to putting in another order of the cream GLI jerseys? I'd like to get on that list.
As to Hockey.. I was in Houghton for the UAH series. Tech looked good Friday night, and got the puck luck bounces. One of the those games where everything we did worked out right and everything they did, not so much. Saturday, after a slow start, we didn't look bad, but couldn't get anything to bounce our way around the net. I didn't see the "15 break-a-ways." UAH did have a much better game Sat. and did have some better chances than the night before. A solid game out of Kero (needs to control his rebounds a little better) and the other freshman played very well, with Gould getting a couple of great opportunities. Need to finish on the chances.
Tech will have to raise it a notch this weekend in AA.
OK, after a long hiatus (too lazy to make a new password), I'm back. Mostly because I'm curious how close Shirtless is to putting in another order of the cream GLI jerseys? I'd like to get on that list.
As to Hockey.. I was in Houghton for the UAH series. Tech looked good Friday night, and got the puck luck bounces. One of the those games where everything we did worked out right and everything they did, not so much. Saturday, after a slow start, we didn't look bad, but couldn't get anything to bounce our way around the net. I didn't see the "15 break-a-ways." UAH did have a much better game Sat. and did have some better chances than the night before. A solid game out of Kero (needs to control his rebounds a little better) and the other freshman played very well, with Gould getting a couple of great opportunities. Need to finish on the chances.
Tech will have to raise it a notch this weekend in AA.