Re: Merrimack College 2017-2018
I have some catching up to do on this thread, but some thoughts..
Coach Dennehy had a good run here at MC. He came in to a program at rock bottom after the Santagati/Serino era, with a questionable D1 future, and helped to change the culture and the expectations. The tournament appearance (should have gone further if not for legit "puck luck", and should have made it the next year when we missed the tourney by hundredths of a point in pairwise), the #1 national ranking, bringing in some good AC's and some great recruiting (offhand, DaCosta, Cannata, Stollery, Bigos, Tirronen, Collins, Delia, Seney) all are credits to him during his tenure. He seems like a pretty great human being, involving the team in things like Team Impact and setting/encouraging high academic standards. I believe he is still in the top 3 coaches in MC history as of this writing.
Seems like he was definitely the right guy to have around during the rebuild. That said, probably time for a change of voice in the locker room after 13 years. We harped a lot on how we would always bring in such talented players, and they would seem to stagnate or regress as their college careers progressed. The regular season seemed to become an afterthought, losing easy games to teams like UMass and Maine at their nadirs. If we really want to be like the BC/BU's of the world, the team needs to come in ready to win games like that. We consistently finished in the bottom half of the standings and we only made the garden once in 13 years.
I also had heard that Hopey expected Dennehy to be more active in Fundraising/development.
The timing of the firing is a little suspect in that the team never played better this year than they did in the playoffs, but maybe a better performance in the regular season would have put us in a better position to make it to the garden.
As for what's next, should be interesting. I think Carr will be a great head coach some day, unsure if they'd keep him on or want to switch the message entirely. I'm sure Dennehy will land on his feet as well, unsure if there's a great D1 program out there right now that would bring him in, but I'm sure he has a career ahead of him as a pretty well respected D1 coach.
I wonder if this news correlates in any way with the quest to bring the rest of athletics to D1?