Nick Papagiorgio
Holding court
Re: Maine thread (cont) - Hobey Abbott goes Dancing
Kind of an honest question here. Do pro teams sign kids to a contract without getting them checked out by their own doctors?
Was this concussion supposed to be a secret? No pro teams would have known about it if this guy didn't talk about it on talk radio in Maine? Are any NHL personnel listening to radio in Maine anyway?
By the way, you probably should wait until your crystal meth high dies down before posting again, ok?
My point is that he has no business jumping on the radio talking about another agent's client. Period. I have no beef with him as a person...don't even know him. Abbott is a couple of days (hopefully more) away from signing a pro contract. If you're saying that giving out details (yes, those are details that had not been heard before) about a players health - particularly involving a concussion - wont impact NHL teams' view on him, you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm done with this talking to a brick wall.
Kind of an honest question here. Do pro teams sign kids to a contract without getting them checked out by their own doctors?
Was this concussion supposed to be a secret? No pro teams would have known about it if this guy didn't talk about it on talk radio in Maine? Are any NHL personnel listening to radio in Maine anyway?
By the way, you probably should wait until your crystal meth high dies down before posting again, ok?