Re: Maine - the Golfing Season
I posted this in the other thread, but I think Maine was pretty gassed. It looked like the five games in two weeks plus the two long trips really took a toll on them. UMD has only played three games over the last couple of weeks............./QUOTE]
In my opinion they were not gassed. The team has played an entire season of hockey and I think they were physically fit. In my opinion UMD was the better team. There are times when you give the other team credit because they played better. A good many Maine posters find that hard to do.
and NOBODY is noticing the coaching and positioning and passing.
UMD knew how to pass the puck to the forehand so that the recipient could do something IMMEDIATELY when receiving the puck.
UMD had players all over the ice, playing their position, not playing like giant mites. When UMD missed a shot, there was someone on the weak side, closest t the errant puck. When they skated down ice, there was someone to pass to in order to get the goalie to move.
and if ANY of you saw the passing display that Danny Kristo put on yesterday...
go look,
take a minute and try and watch a game with out just watching the puck carrier (not saying everyone here does that, but enough do and enough do not watch the players who do not have the puck...)
it is almost always the players without the puck who make the goals possible... Maine is not going to have many scoring opportunities when the opponent just stops skating because the net is dislodged by 50 feet and the officials determine that a puck carrying black bear 200 feet away from a goal has "an offensive opportunity".