He never "hurts my feelings", but he only shows-up on a Maine thread when he wants to snipe, and that's completely obvious.
... or maybe I come on here when there's something compelling to discuss????
Do you think I'm so unaware of myself that I'd come on here to rip UMaine for losing a meaningless, make-believe playoff game to UNH when most folks who post on here know I mock the MBPBEGAM (Make Believe Phony Baloney Everyone Gets A Medal) "playoffs" concept to begin with? Because I firmly believe the regular season should mean something, and any teams who can't qualify for a traditional quarterfinal don't belong in anything resembling a real legit "playoff"?
Do you think I'm so unaware of myself that I'd heap scorn on a mediocre-at-best UMaine team and its struggles while I watch/root for a mediocre-at-best UNH team and its own struggles?!?
Do you think I'd mock Red Gendron and UMaine's inability to pull the trigger on his failed hire, when I'm likely watching the same thing play out on tape delay in Durham with Mike Souza (MS7)?!?
When Whitehead was let go, I also jumped on the UMaine thread to actively engage in the discussions of who would be his successor. It's what I've been doing on here recently - of course, not 100% knowing that Red's time is actually up or not.
I can't claim there might not be a few subtle shots once in awhile, here and there. The long-timers know where I stood on Walshy back in the day, and have likely noticed my take on him has changed for the better as time has passed (ditto with BC and Coach York, and in the other direction on BU). I'm not claiming to have been reborn as a UMaine-iac, but even back in the contentious days, I think I managed to keep it fairly civil with most of the folks on here, and have even met a few of you folks in person at Alfond (with my kids in tow) many years ago. I still want UNH to be at its best, and part of that is having UMaine-UNH games being relevant and important again. I'm not sure they ever meant as much to you guys, but it did to us.
The only quip I can even recall making recently that would sound like a "snipe" was the comment I made about how at least when UMaine beat UNH 7-2, it was in the FF semis (2002), not when UNH beat UMaine 7-2 in the 2021 MBPBEGAM "playoffs". I know humor is best when we walk through it step-by-step to explain it and all (j/k) ... but can you at least comprehend that such a comment is much more of a "snipe" at UNH and its old propensity for the big-game "choke" than it could ever begin to be against UMaine?? Without the old emojis, I'll concede some of the old subtleties are hard to convey.
I hate to have to explain myself on this, but understand and appreciate that some hard feelings can last a long time, so it's somewhat understandable. I get it. That I care enough to come on here and spend 10 minutes explaining my good faith, should speak for itself. If not, c'est la vle. If/when something comes up that is deserving of a "snipe", I suspect you'll know.
Please assume I come in peace unless it's blatantly obvious I'm not here in peace.
I suspect most of the rest of you have already figured this out, so my apologies for forcing the long read. I do still have much love for the UMaine-iacs out there.