There are some possible coaches in the atlantic conf too. They have low salaries and low budgets. Even coming to maine would give them more cash to work with. But I dont think Maine would have any difficulty getting lots if promising resumes once searching.
I see no problem with keeping coach salary at a level so they arent the highest paid state employee. But give the coach more incentive bonus. Lots of upside to that too. I have to think they could come up with that by rearranging things and if the program gets rolling then they have progressively more $ to work with. Of course now any of this will take a few years because of the mess things are in this year.
I dont envy the AD with all of this. Im sure he wants to see hockey routinely in the national ranks.
You can’t not spend any money and expect results.
I’ve yet to hear any decent argument yet that Red has done a bad job and should be replaced. This year’s senior class has definitely been disappointing and no doubt Red needs a few more high end forwards but the program is in much better shape than when he took over.