Re: Maine 2012 - Take 2. If This Ain't the Bottom...
Maine Travels to Florida College Classic .........No one cares........
Maine Travels to Florida College Classic .........No one cares........
Maine Travels to Florida College Classic .........No one cares........
All kidding aside, it's pretty crazy how many Maine players/recruits get into trouble these days. A lot of it seems to be alcohol related, with a few assaults, thefts, etc thrown in for good measure. This stuff obviously happens at every school, but Maine appears to be recruiting a lot of these types. Is TIMMAH so desperate that he's rolling the dice and trying his luck with borderline, yet talented individuals? Again, not trying to flame here at all, but just curious what Mainers think about this situation.
Paul Falco
Mike Hamilton
Wes Clarke
Tanner House
Dave Wilson
Joey Diamond
Scott Darling
Nick Payson
Zach Sill
Tyler Czuba
John Parker
Sam Wolfe
Did I miss anyone??![]()
Captain, I don't have anything to say about what you quoted, but in regard to the incident you're referring to:
1. They had a sober driver
2. It came out after the investigation that the T was at fault (shocker)
And some of the guys on carlton's list were absolved, or had nothing more than a "minor consuming liquor" that wouldn't have been noticed if Bangor wasn't small enough that the local paper goes through the civil violation sheet with a fine toothed comb. I don't think the Globe has a reporter sifting through misdemeanors looking through notable names.
And some of the guys on carlton's list were absolved, or had nothing more than a "minor consuming liquor" that wouldn't have been noticed if Bangor wasn't small enough that the local paper goes through the civil violation sheet with a fine toothed comb. I don't think the Globe has a reporter sifting through misdemeanors looking through notable names.
Like I said, I have nothing to say about what carlton posted as I don't know any of the details.
I think 4 of the 12 guys you mentioned were actually kicked off the team and includes the kid who was never on it in Wolfe. I wouldn't call that most.
Actually dismissed from the team is just 3....and BC is what 2 in the time period we're talking about? That's not "A LOT" more players. not that it even matters but still in the interest of accuracy
Nobody in the car was drunk
I count 6 on that list that were booted or denied admission, plus a few that were suspended. For the love of God, facts are facts, can't you just admit that Maine has had more than its share of bad apples!
...and by the way, who was dismissed from BC, please enlighten me?
Not that there's anything wrong with that...