To people who run an educational institution it matters just a tad. It isn't about what you or any other fan wants. It's about what Paul Ferguson expects from student-athletes. I'm going to guess his expectations don't align with yours.
I agree that "a tad" is probably the accurate term to use here...
Taking this argument to its logical extreme, do you think that Maine would be happier with a team of Rhodes Scholars who finish 2-21, or a squad that wins an NC and sports a barely-passable GPA? It's a no-brainer, once you put aside all hypocrisy to the contrary. We are not talking about debate teams here; getting-by academically is just fine for Maine hockey, as long as they excel on the weekends.
I realize that private money is often crucial to the success of a program, but sport-specific donations are generally contingent on team-success, are they not..? And I think you sell-short the value of the gate, which appears to be dwindling... Community support and deep-pocket money really spring from the same font: winning games.
Any big-time D-1 sport is about national recognition and income-generation, and that much is garnered on the field of play, not in the classroom.. To suggest otherwise is, yes, naive.