ABB just knocked it out of the park over in the JackPa thread. Awesome stuff.
So if tix are $17 each night, there's $34. Figure 50 people on the bus, what's it cost to run a bus down and back, maybe$500 including the driver? $10/person, so where's the other $41 going to?
Season's in Bangor to Serve as Official Watch Party Host for Maine Hockey Thursday Night
Season's Grille & Sports Lounge, located at 427 Main Street in Bangor, will serve as the Official Watch Party host for the University of Maine versus UMass Lowell Hockey East Quarterfinal game Thursday night. Gametime is set for 7PM.
Season's, a Black Bear corporate partner, has purchased the rights for the HD online broadcast provided by Hockey East and will have the telecast available for fans to watch the game. Wear your Maine Black Bear gear and receive the appetizer special! Watch party prizes will also be available including a team-autographed hockey stick!
4 years and Joey hasnt figured it out yet, I understand his attempts at drawing penalties but I don't understand him taking himself off the ice whether matching or making Maine
shorthanded. The guy has some talent but it seems he can't help himself.
I'm not surprised Maine got spanked, people were all excited about beating UNH. Too bad UNH and Lowell aren't in the same class. Be fun to win tonight but it ain't going to happen, finally an end to a very disappointing season, let the speculation about Tim begin. I guarantee Abbott is in the newspaper saying Tims job is safe. If he was quoted in the BDN
saying Woodwards job was safe you can bet Timmays is also
I agree with your statement about Diamond -- when I saw Maine play UNH, he seemed to be one of the most dangerous players because of his ability to find the front of the net. Maine fans probably have the same view, but for different reasons: his ability to find the penalty box.4 years and Joey hasnt figured it out yet, I understand his attempts at drawing penalties but I don't understand him taking himself off the ice whether matching or making Maine
shorthanded. The guy has some talent but it seems he can't help himself.
I'm not surprised Maine got spanked, people were all excited about beating UNH. Too bad UNH and Lowell aren't in the same class. Be fun to win tonight but it ain't going to happen, finally an end to a very disappointing season, let the speculation about Tim begin. I guarantee Abbott is in the newspaper saying Tims job is safe. If he was quoted in the BDN
saying Woodwards job was safe you can bet Timmays is also
..........Not only do I hope they win the next 2 games this season, I hope Whitehead is around long enough to get this new group to the tournament and bring glory back to Orono. SMH at the *****y whiny fans Maine has in general........
As to Whitehead's fate, I think that the more outspoken members of your fanbase will never be satisfied with him, and will call for his head no matter how many games are left in your season -- unless the NC trophy is sitting on his lap on the flight from Pittsburgh to Bangor. That's a pretty tough standard. What would you rather have -- a Whitehead team that struggles during the regular season but somehow finds a way to play itself into Boston and perhaps the NCAAs? Or a Umile team, which typically hits its high point well before the end of the regular season, and struggles thereafter? I'd rather have my team gaining momentum instead of losing it. That said, I wouldn't call for either coach to be fired based on those characteristics, but that's just MHO.
Not everyone on here is negative.I think Tim will be around at least one more year to see the development. There are many lurkers who are not negative, but don't post because they don't wish to be insulted or ridiculed for having a positive opinion. A person needs to be "thick skinned" and be able to tolerate differing opinions when posting on Maine threads. And don't check your rep, because there is even more insulting comments. Welcome to the board by the way.
Not everyone on here is negative.I think Tim will be around at least one more year to see the development. There are many lurkers who are not negative, but don't post because they don't wish to be insulted or ridiculed for having a positive opinion. A person needs to be "thick skinned" and be able to tolerate differing opinions when posting on Maine threads. And don't check your rep, because there are more insulting comments. Welcome to the board by the way.
Based on what I saw those same lurkers aren't turning up to the games either. What's the worst that could happen with a new coach? Could attendance really get much worse?
This is like worrying about how many records your going to sell when you don't make pop music...northern Maine is poor and Orono is a hike for all the alumni dispersed. The school is completely to blame for declining attendance. I watched it get consecutively less relevant what the hockey team was up to which culminated last year when they had essentially an NHL line top 3 scorers in the country made the tournament and still hardly had student support. If they want a full alfond they need full blown student support and I can assure you at this point they aren't going to care if we get a new coach, they don't know who Whitehead is enough to hate him.
Get ready for a turnaround tonight and ill be on here tomorrow congratulating the team and Whitehead's decision making because I have faith in his motivational skills...also and I know he's a good human being (met him twice when I was an undergrad) and well respected by those who play for him/have played for him
Could not agree more on the administration doing a horrible job getting people to the games. With that said though, a lot of people just don't like Tim. He's a white collar guy and his whole approach just doesn't represent what us Maine folk like. Read through my posts, I don't dislike him at all and think he is a fine coach. I just think at this point it hasn't worked out with him and both parties should move on.
What would you rather have -- a Whitehead team that struggles during the regular season but somehow finds a way to play itself into Boston and perhaps the NCAAs? Or a Umile team, which typically hits its high point well before the end of the regular season, and struggles thereafter?
you can "be positive" and hope that you will win the lottery all you want, but if you want to win, you gotta "be negative" and realize that hoping will not help. you gotta buy a ticket.
Of course, you can also be smart and recognize that the lottery is a fool's errand . . . and hire a guy that understands how to invest for the future rather than rely on luck (dagnabbit, another good player left early. What are the odds?!?).
If he isn't to blame, who is?I refuse to blame him for recruiting woes .