This is willfully ignorant. Nobody here wants to see this group of young men fail. Nobody. Look at our uscho join dates. We've all been here since the beginning of the USCHO forum (I'm on my 2nd username), or very close to it.
What we all have in common is the belief that Maine hockey is bigger than the individuals wearing the sweaters. It was bigger than Jimmy Montgomery, Scott Pellerin, and Paul Kariya. It's no insult to Martin Ouellette, Joey Diamond, and Devin Shore to say that it's bigger than them, too.
As for a change at the top, I'll just speak for myself. No, there's no guarantee things will be better. Other things equal, stability in a program is preferable to turnover. And there's no guarantee of improvement. We might hope for Walsh and end up getting a Cedorchuk.
The fact that change could be for the worse is only meaningful to the extent that present circumstances are acceptable. To go with a college example, it's like getting a 57 on a final exam, failing a course, and the prof giving you a chance to re-take it. Do you refuse the offer, worried that you might get a 46 the second time? Obviously not. Failure is failure. If you have an iota of ambition, pride, or self-confidence, you take the offer and don't look back.