Re: LSSU Hockey 2012-2013
Come to expect this kind of nonsense with you people up there.
You only point out the four years where Frank took over a totally decimated program and was given half the time to fix it as the current coach and, as evidenced by the early success with Roque in his first two years under Frank Anzalone's system, players and rebuilding plan. You also forget to mention the 30 win seasons and three National Championships that he either won or was largely responsible for. Roque hasn't even been to the NCAA Tournament, he hasn't even been close. You people are so predictible.
The Truth Is Out There....
Nobody is forgetting Anzalone's previous run. You also seem to be totally ignorant as to why Frank was run out of town, despite his alleged success. And you also seem to be totally ignorant as to who was recruiting Frank's players in those years (hint: He still works for LSSU) along with Jackson. Cursiously, there was a dramatic upturn in the overall fortunes of LSSU both financially and on the ice once Frank LEFT town, and Jackson and Roque were able to manage to team without the nonsense and distractions and drunken brawls caused by Frank. Why, praytell, do you think they called him Crazy Frank. It wasn't because of his inventive game-time strategy, thats for sure.
So lets put Frank back in the Soo -- minus Roque and Jackson. Viola, total disaster. Worst four year stretch in LSSU history.
And who gives a flying puck about Frank? I loved the coach, and I was heartened when he came back because perhaps he would do some good. He didn't. He stunk. His players stunk. His teams stunk. The program was obliterated by Borek, but Frank pulled the plug. LSSU is lucky to still have a team after Franks terrible years. He didn't just kill the program on the ice -- he killed it in town, and nationwide. When he was younger his brash drunken bravado was tolerable, if only because he was winning, and he was promising "to stick it to those fat schools in lansing and ann arbor." And we all went for the ride because he was delivering the goods. But is second run in the Soo was a joke. He was clueless. his players were weak, slow, lazy, and his game plans were ineffective. He was overmatched in every facet of a modern D-I program. That isn't hyperbole -- those are facts. That he was ever given a second shot was the BIGGEST mistake the good old boys in the Soo ever committed. When Borek was broomed, the school could have gone in any direction and hired a coach better than Frank. They could've found a coach who was young and hunrgy. Instead, the Good Old Boys made the HUGE mistake of bringing in a tired, old, haggered, exhausted, half-sauced old retread.
Then I hear people like truth and other say perhaps Frank wasn't given enough time. Time? Are you kidding? Did you watch those teams? Clueless and crappy doesn't even begin to describe the low quality of hockey Frank brought. The ONLY reason he wasn't fired after two seasons was because Borek's run had been so amazingly terrible that the faithful (myself included) beleived nobody could put teams as bad as Borek on the ice.
We were wrong.
So then the Good Old Boys broomed Frank, and brought back Roque.
Maybe its time to move Roque too. I do know this: Nobody is offering the job to Frank.
So what happens to Truth and people like him? I mean, Frank is never coming back. What now? So Roque gets fired. Ok . . . whats next?
Is that all you were about?
Bland, tired, stale rantings, all made in a effort to defend a coach who was fired 8 years ago -- and fired for excellent cause. Who was a better choice at the time? Is it merely Roque you hate? Or is it anyone who might replace Frank? Perhaps its the administration you hate? For what? Firing Frank? Buddy -- Frank has been fired more times, in more locations -- and always for the same two reasons: He can't win, and he's a jerk.
Larry Robinson said of Scotty Bowman: "You hated for 364 days out of the year, and on the 365th day, you picked up your Stanley Cup Ring." Being a jerk is ok if you perform. Being a jerk and losing? Guess what that gets you? Ahhh, yes . . . . you get fired. Just like in every other job all over North America. Bosses will tolerate a jerk as long as the jerk performs. Bosses will not tolerate a jerk who sucks at his job. Bosses will actually tolerate people who are terrible at their jobs but decent people, nice people. But you can't be both a jerk and suck.
And lets take all the varnish away for two seconds: Frank was a jerk. Frank was always a jerk. But from 2001-2005 he SUCKED at his job.
End of story.
If you would like to engage in a detailed discussion of Coach Roque's faults as a coach, please go ahead. Explain to me his strategic errors. Explain to me the training program that needs altering. Explain to me where his game plan is lacking, against certain teams, and what you might do to fix that plan. Explain to me what a new coach would bring to the table, how that new coach would alter the landscape, and who that new coach might be -- and why that person is a good fit? But saying, "Remember Frank" is unlikely to sway any argument in your favor. And if you don't know about Frank, and his behavior in and around town (and other towns, and at other rinks) then you obviously don't know what you're talking about.