According to my copy of the Michigan Boiler Code Rules, Rule 408.4219 Safety valve pressure setting states:
Rule 219. One or more safety valves on every boiler shall be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure. The remaining valves may be set within a range of 3% above the MAWP, but the range of the setting of all of the safety valves on a boiler shall not exceed 10 % of the highest pressure to which any valve is set.
So when I said 'well below', what I should have said is 'at or below'. I'm not sure where your 6% -21% range comes from. I'm pretty sure the NBIC states the same as above. But then again I'm only licensed in MIchigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Penn. and NY. but not Texas. That 6% sounds familiar though. I think it has to do with capacity though, not pressure. The capacity of the valve(s) have to be such that they won't allow the pressure to get more than 6% above the highest valve lift point and never more than 6% above MAWP.
This may be different for nukes, I don't have a Nuclear endorsement for my National Commission.