8.9 That's enormous. Richter is a log scale, which means that the strength of this one is about 10 times a 7.9, which is pretty huge in itself. According to Wikipedia, there's about one 8.0 - 8.9 a year, but I can't remember ever remember hearing of one that large.
8.9 That's enormous. Richter is a log scale, which means that the strength of this one is about 10 times a 7.9, which is pretty huge in itself. According to Wikipedia, there's about one 8.0 - 8.9 a year, but I can't remember ever remember hearing of one that large.
It's a wonder this doesn't happen much more often since Japan sits on like 3 different plates.Earth crust displacement... 2012!!!
Why did the navy order ships to stay in Pearl Harbor? Wouldn't it make more sense to get ships offshore in the deeper water?
Why did the navy order ships to stay in Pearl Harbor? Wouldn't it make more sense to get ships offshore in the deeper water?
Sounds like Hawaii has been hit in places and not much has happened,
Pearl Harbor has been hit, insignificant according to the Navy, good news for them
That's good news. Should be weaker by the time it gets to Cali as well then?
From what little I remember from my "natural disasters" course in college (easy science credit FTW), the distance from the epicenter doesn't affect it all that much, or at least not as much as you'd expect. The fact that Guam and Hawaii didn't see much at all would seem to make it more likely that it was simply a focused tsunami, and thankfully for the U.S., it was directed towards Japan rather than across the Pacific towards us.