Kyle Rau isn't sure if he should laugh or feel sorry.
Here's some of that wonderful hockey culture and rich tradition that jdubbs is so proud of.....It's Awesome....
Anyone want to explain to me the backstory behind this?
Sure. Tyler Hirsch is ****ing crazy.
Next time I can bring this up in the UW season thread where I saw the comments that prompted this discussion if you'd like?
If you're going to hurl insults at me, why should I do you any favors?
Civic Pride <> Ex-Player Fetish
Maybe if you and your neighbors cared a little more about your state's hockey culture, your state would produce a little more hockey talent. And if your state produced a little more hockey talent, you'd probably feel less threatened/envious when I talk about Minnesota's hockey culture and traditions.
Here's some of that wonderful hockey culture and rich tradition that jdubbs is so proud of.....It's Awesome....
Frankly, your obsession with youth hockey in your local area and how "proud" it makes you makes me think you should be legally restricted to stay away from children.
But yeah, I'm sure it's creepy to follow former college players in the pros.
"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."
Making fun of someone with a mental illness?
Wow, you're a classy guy.
What are you talking about? I have yet to see him make fun of you.
You're trying waaaaay too hard.
Touche. Making fun of you requires very little effort so why try any harder than necessary.
"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."
Miss ya on rubechat by the way.
Thanks! I'll make it back more often. That's a great board.
I'd say you're doing much more damage to yourself with these wittless junior high worthy insults.
I'm just waiting for you to pull out the old "I know you are, but what am I".
To each their own I say. The college hockey chat we have there is among many different fan bases and we don't insult each other every chance we get . It's quite civil unlike some of the garbage on here.Who needs ya.I can't believe there's a place where Dubbie would be missed.
It's like Bizzarro World chat.
So I googled it and found this in regards to Rube Chat...
1.) Absolutely pointless "networking tool" that Minnesota sports fan overuse in an attempt to gain and then flaunt popularity. A potentially useful dating/networking tool for adults gone awry because it became a contest to see who could get the most "points" added... (and by "points" I mean other insecure members post in your thread to increase THEIR OWN points count). An addiction where you must sign on every .3232134 seconds to see if anyone posted a comment, or sent you a message.
It does serve as a purposeful tool for anyone who is feeling they are not as smart as the people they hang out with in real life. Just a few minutes on Rube Chat and you'll find yourself thinking that you just might be one of the smartest people in the world.
Yo dawg I was totally getting schooled playing Trivial Persuit so I logged on to Rube Chat and within minutes I was schooling people with my knowledge of brown ties, sharts, religion, and politics! Oh and we talked some sports to.
2.) An online Minnesota Sports message board commonly tarnished with the thoughts of Brett Favre loving Packer Fans, as well as a really annoying poster that goes by "JDubbs"
3.) A large collection of awkward, unsophisticated sports fans that enjoy communicating through the Internet and at various social functions and events. I would like to discuss the implications of having two burritos for lunch. I'm going to discuss it with rubes on rube chat.
Seems to fit our Dubbie. Glad he could find a place where he fits in and is accepted.![]()
To each their own I say. The college hockey chat we have there is among many different fan bases and we don't insult each other every chance we get . It's quite civil unlike some of the garbage on here.Who needs ya.