Re: "Independent" Pick'em - Gotta have something to do...
This week
no one got above .500!!! Lot's of upsets here...
Here are the standings after 7 weeks of play...
STANDINGS from Week 7's Independent Pick'em are as follows:
Douglas --------------------- 38-26 .594%
21st Century Schizoid Man --- 37-27 .578%
beaverhockeyfan -------------37-27 .578%
BigBlue2Ba -------------------31-23 .574%
Laker Dude ------------------ 31-23 .574%
gfmorris --------------------- 36-28 .563%
RMUColonials -----------------29-25 .537%
5hole ------------------------23-21 .523%
BSUBeaver94 ---------------- 28-26 .519%
jyoung ---------------------- 33-31 .516%
wsp67326 --------------------31-33 .484%
Upper Deck ------------------ 27-29 .482%
Picked less than 50% to date:
true2BSU ---------------------16-11 .593%
vizoroo ----------------------- 9-7 .563%
Week 7 "Top Picker(s)" were
Douglas, gfmorris, 5hole, wsp67326, & beaverhockeyfan at an incredible 4-5. A score we're all proud of... no doubt!
CHOICES for this week are:
Week 8 (Nov 26 - 27, 2010)
Fr-Sa ==> NMU @ BSU (2)
Fr-Sa ==> NU @ Army (2)
Fr =====> AFA vs Clarkson (1) Denver Cup
Fr =====> UAH vs BGSU (1) RPI Holiday Tourney
Sa =====> AFA vs DU (1) Denver Cup
Sa =====> UAH vs UConn (1) RPI Holiday Tourney
--- OR ---
Sa =====> UAH vs RPI (1) RPI Holiday Tourney
Total Games = 8
The Tuesday game called last week will be counted in Week 8's results for a total of 9 games this week.
Be sure to let me know if I miss or incorrectly count your games and if I miss
any scheduled games. Have fun...
PS- Rules are in Post 1; Number in () is the number of games to be played
between those teams for this week's Pick'em.