Veteran - Army
Re: "Independent" Pick'em - Gotta have something to do...
Only two games this week before we crown our first Champion "Independent" picker!!!
Let me know if you guys want to do a "Post Season Pick'em" for as long as these teams stay in contention for a league championship.
STANDINGS after Week 21's Independent Pick'em are as follows:
Laker Dude ------------------105-56 .652%
jyoung ---------------------- 98-54 .645%
true2BSU -------------------- 85-49 .634% *
BigBlue2Ba ------------------102-59 .634%
Douglas ---------------------107-67 .615%
21st Century Schizoid Man --- 99-63 .611%
beaverhockeyfan ------------110-71 .608%
gfmorris ---------------------101-70 .591%
5hole ------------------------74-56 .569% *
Upper Deck ------------------81-62 .566%
UAHStatman -----------------54-44 .551% ***
wsp67326 --------------------97-84 .536%
* = Picked less than 75% but more than 70% to date.
** = Picked less than 70% but more than 60% to date.
*** = Picked less than 60% but more than 50% to date.
**** = Picked less than 50% but an active player.
Inactive for 4 weeks or more:
vizoroo -----------------------9-7 .563%
RMUColonials -----------------30-25 .545%
BSUBeaver94 -----------------41-32 .562%
Week 21's "Top Picker" was Laker Dude at 8-2.
CHOICES for Week 22 are:
Week 22 (Mar 4-5, 2011)
Sa - Su ==> Minnesota @ BSU (2)
Want a "Post Season Pick'em"? YES or NO
Total Games = 2
Be sure to let me know if I miss or incorrectly count your games and if I miss any scheduled games. Have fun...
PS- Rules are in Post 1; Number in () is the number of games to be played between those teams for this week's Pick'em.
Only two games this week before we crown our first Champion "Independent" picker!!!
Let me know if you guys want to do a "Post Season Pick'em" for as long as these teams stay in contention for a league championship.
STANDINGS after Week 21's Independent Pick'em are as follows:
Laker Dude ------------------105-56 .652%
jyoung ---------------------- 98-54 .645%
true2BSU -------------------- 85-49 .634% *
BigBlue2Ba ------------------102-59 .634%
Douglas ---------------------107-67 .615%
21st Century Schizoid Man --- 99-63 .611%
beaverhockeyfan ------------110-71 .608%
gfmorris ---------------------101-70 .591%
5hole ------------------------74-56 .569% *
Upper Deck ------------------81-62 .566%
UAHStatman -----------------54-44 .551% ***
wsp67326 --------------------97-84 .536%
* = Picked less than 75% but more than 70% to date.
** = Picked less than 70% but more than 60% to date.
*** = Picked less than 60% but more than 50% to date.
**** = Picked less than 50% but an active player.
Inactive for 4 weeks or more:
vizoroo -----------------------9-7 .563%
RMUColonials -----------------30-25 .545%
BSUBeaver94 -----------------41-32 .562%
Week 21's "Top Picker" was Laker Dude at 8-2.
CHOICES for Week 22 are:
Week 22 (Mar 4-5, 2011)
Sa - Su ==> Minnesota @ BSU (2)
Want a "Post Season Pick'em"? YES or NO
Total Games = 2
Be sure to let me know if I miss or incorrectly count your games and if I miss any scheduled games. Have fun...
PS- Rules are in Post 1; Number in () is the number of games to be played between those teams for this week's Pick'em.
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