The decline in respect for, and enforcement of, the rule of law in this nation is one of the most fundamental symptoms of the decay of our society.![]()
I think you are casting a much too narrow net. Both parties play on fear. There are few at least short-term motivators as strong as fear. Popular culture, from movies to books, to video games, play on fear, conspiracy theories, etc.Well, one party has spent the last 30 years hinting about dark government conspiracies and pouring acid on the notion that anybody might have any other aim in life than personal enrichment. I wonder if these are related phenomena?
And even then, that's just one aspect of the decline in respect for and enforcement of the rule of law.
Ok, that's a different angle on this one. Arguing against policing the border because it would cost money. Hey, while we're at it, why have law enforcement officials at all, getting rid of all of them would save us a heck of a lot of money. And if it's a good idea for the border, it's a good idea away from the border.
And oh, land sakes, there's some politics involved.
Well, one party has spent the last 30 years hinting about dark government conspiracies and pouring acid on the notion that anybody might have any other aim in life than personal enrichment. I wonder if these are related phenomena?
There ought to be some way to post this explosion of left wingery somewhere that the Clinton's might run into it. Given that they made out like cat burglars during the "decade of greed." Including the tens of thousands Hillary made with insider help in commodities trading. But hey, why let any consistency leak into the litergy?
The current government doesn't like a law that was put in place by a previous administration? That's OK, just ignore it, or better yet, find a judge who'll say it's suddenly OK to ignore it.
Not that I'm advocating this, but let's say a conservative government comes into power and they decide to just stop sending out social security checks because they don't like the program. Is that right? Must be.
I think you are casting a much too narrow net. Both parties play on fear. There are few at least short-term motivators as strong as fear. Popular culture, from movies to books, to video games, play on fear, conspiracy theories, etc.
And even then, that's just one aspect of the decline in respect for and enforcement of the rule of law.
It should go without saying. Unfortunately even when you say it, they generally ignore it.And in the absence of the rule of law, the rule of man wins out. That is no way for a free society to exist, when the rules become capricious in line with the whims of whoever happens to be in power - no matter which party is doing it.
Seems like you have to add that last line or else the nimrods get their panties in a bunch, but really it should go without saying.
I think you are casting a much too narrow net. Both parties play on fear. There are few at least short-term motivators as strong as fear. Popular culture, from movies to books, to video games, play on fear, conspiracy theories, etc.
And even then, that's just one aspect of the decline in respect for and enforcement of the rule of law.
I'm curious Bob if you think the media and politicians in Arizona, perhaps even nationwide, have also tried to use fear to justify in part their support or passage of Arizona's immigration law.
You've been kind enough to provide links to a lot of good articles about locals who tell their story of the effect on their lives. But I ran across this link from May.
I have to say this article seems much closer to my perceived reality of southern Arizona than do some of the articles that basically suggest there is mayhem in the streets and desert of the southern reaches of that state.
I was in Nogales myself 6 months ago. I also had a chance to see my sister from Tucson this past week and we briefly talked about this issue.
I'm interested in your opinion as to whether you think there has been some use of fear by proponents of the law to "fan the flames" so to speak.
And in the absence of the rule of law, the rule of man wins out. That is no way for a free society to exist, when the rules become capricious in line with the whims of whoever happens to be in power - no matter which party is doing it.
Seems like you have to add that last line or else the nimrods get their panties in a bunch, but really it should go without saying.
Last EPA director got drilled by congress but they couldn't do squat to him. there is power in the executive branch, departments can selectively enforce the rule of law or ignore it or bend it as they choose.
I think the only solution is opening the borders and let all come to the land of the free. It's not fair to green card holders so we probally should give them some type of work visa with less rights. maybe protect business by removing osha/safety/discrimination/labor/minimum wage/overtime etc... so they can use them and pay them anyway they want... for x years till they get normal green card.
So what you're telling me is that middle class america should be cosigned to the lower class?
Either that or you have no comprehension of economics.
Interesting piece from George Will on how Puerto Rico could play into the immigration debate:
What would be the benefit to PR in becoming a state though?
edit: the main difference between a social-con and a democrat is by and large the moral system employed to accomplish things. The social con thinks he can use the power of the state to make it a more moral place...
To that end...what does it take to get kicked out of the Tea Party? Evidently quite a bit.
At this rate, the Tea Party will soon go the way of the KKK...and by that I mean largely exinct.
"We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
"Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong."
"How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? .. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn't that what we want all Coloreds to strive for?"
Everyone likes efficient govt...but social conservatives are just waiting to jump out of the cake.
To that end...what does it take to get kicked out of the Tea Party? Evidently quite a bit.