Talk is cheap - actions speak louder than words. The road to he11 is paved with good intentions.
Just another so-called leader who will back down at the slightest hint of turbulence.
If he was SO committed to making this happen, why not give it another shot next weekend?
It will have been more than two weeks' quarantine since the last student lockdown went in.
The "running out of season" thing is just another excuse, one I'm sure he'll use if put on the spot ...
As usual, Chuck, you display an astonishing ignorance of what’s actually happening at UNH, and a sad inability to see the big picture here. It’s faux-tough guy talk like this that brings morons like NetPres out to play.
here’s the simple deal...
1. Durham has 25% more NOMINAL active cases than the largest city in the state.
2. Given that, the prevalence in the community is 6-7 times higher than ManchVegas. Not a good look, when....
3. ....The president has had both the state government and the USNH Board of Trustees watching his every move, and the state of play at UNH, since he had the audacity to say he was going forward with opening the school in the fall of 2020.
As Drew says, the decision was easy.
You’d look so silly if ever forced to debate this situation with the “so-called leader”. Well, sillier than you already do.