Well, I have to give you credit for freely admitting to not listening to anyone else's opinion and recognizing your mind is completely closed on this topic.
EDIT: So I guess this post isn't so much for you as it is for people that are willing to listen to various sides of the debate.
Myself, I don't have health insurance. The United States government is my health care provider.
I think you need to go look at the government-run VA hospitals. Take a look at how large the waiting rooms are. Take a look at how many waiting rooms there are. Ask the veterans how long ago they made the appointment for which they are now finally being seen. Ask the veterans what they think of the efficiency of the government-run hospitals. Ask them if they think they receive the same quality of care as they would at a regular hospital. Then take a look at the medicine the VA prescribes to their patients - compare it to what would be prescribed at a regular hospital, and ask yourself which facility provides more effective medicine.
Overall, does the VA provide better treatment and service to its patients than the private sector would, or worse? Everyone who goes through the VA knows the answers to this question. Everyone who works in the health care field, be it VA or the private sector, also knows the answers to this question.
If you think 2% profits are evil, it would really behoove you to go take a look at the effectiveness of a government-run health care system that runs without a care in the world about making money, and only provides for a couple million veterans. You might think twice about multiplying its scope by a factor of over 100.