Re: He says he's not dead.
This can only come with time and education, but hopefully we are getting there. There have been enormous changes in just the last few decades. The shame and terror surrounding mental illness is one of those things humanity is very gradually growing out of.
The thing is that it can actually be something fairly simple or at least a part of it can be fairly simple.
I had an Omega-3 deficiency that was the main part of the problem.
Certainly environmental factors played a part in making me feel worse, but the problem with my diet made me far more likely to have environmental factors dig in and take root.
Fish Oil = much better now.
I was never suicidal, but it was hard at times to get out of bed or off the couch. I kept telling myself, "Get up. Suck it up. You're fine."
Unfortunately, it wasn't as simple as mind over matter. You can't just will it away. My brain was saying "Give me fish." Only not in such easy to recognize language.
You know how I found out? I didn't go to a doctor - at least not for that. Having worked in the insurance field, I knew that I didn't want diagnosed depression on my rap sheet.
So how did I find out? My triglycerides were off the chart. I mean CRAZY, I should be dead, off the charts. So was my cholesteral. One of the remedies for triglycerides was to increase my Omega-3 intake... fish oil.
Before this, I knew that I was suffering from relatively minor depression (if it can ever be minor) because I had many of the easily recognized symptoms. Now having researched depression on the internet, I had heard of Omega-3's before along with staying active, getting sun, getting sleep etc. I had dismissed the Omega-3 thing because I eat pretty well and assumed that it couldn't be the problem.
So putting the two together, I tried fish oil. I tried a goodly amount - 4-6 capsules per day - which was the dose that I found in numerous articles to fight Omega-3 imbalance as it relates to depression.
Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but life is different now and has been for some time. The crappy things that happen in life (and they're just as plentiful as ever) no longer keep me in bed or in the house. In addition, my triglycerides are back to the normal range along with my chloresteral (taking a statin for that).
I was getting really close to biting the bullet and going to the doctor, but I needed to up my life insurance amount by 500k and knew without a doubt that I wasn't gonna qualify if I answered yes to "Have you in the past ten years been treated by a physician for depression?"
Was gonna go after the life policy was issued, but seems like I found the problem on my own. Time will tell.
Most people aren't so lucky.
Have talked "off the record" to a psychiatrist that I play hockey with and he says that I should come see him if things revert (actually, he'd like me to come in anyway - just to be sure, but trusts that I am on top of it and grudgingly understands my insurance concerns although dismisses them in the big picture). He told me though that Omega-3 is one of the things that they will often try before medicating someone. While he doesn't want to say that I've cured myself, he believes "off the record," that I may have. "Cured" may not be the right term though as I will be tied to fish oil indefinitely.
Oh yeah, and guess how many people knew that I was depressed? One - my wife. Didn't tell my parents, friends or co-workers. Had I busted a cap in my head, they would have never seen it coming. I didn't want to burden them.