Re: HARVARD CRIMSON 2010-2011 - A New Beginning
Hogwash! H could easily have 24-25 year olds, they are just as much Ivy, as is Cornell, and vice versa. Yale abides by the same NCAA and Ivy League rules, regulations and policies; how do you attribute the Eli #1 PWR ranking? Aside from alma mater loyalty, is Harvard really "more special" than the rest of the Ivies who sport hockey teams?
You implied the H kids lost 21 games on purpose, so have some courage and call it for what it is: rotten conditioning and rotten coaching. Every year, H gets commitments from highly regarded recruits who come to H and do not live up to the hype. I'd say the recruiters and coaching staff should take the hit on the chin for that one - for years now.
I am tired of the excuses of academics too, or how the game has changed so much. Nonsense, rotten coaching PERIOD Go Yale! Go Cornell!
No matter who you blame, the common denominator at H, I firmly believe, comes down to coaching. Not everyone can be a Tim Murphy at H, but no one should aspire to be a Donato either. Just because you hold a Harvard degree and were an average college player does not mean you can coach; sure Ted is swell guy, was a good student, an average NHLer, but he had no coaching experience (psst, kind of like Obama - how is that working out?!).
For me... H hockey is like an alcohol or other controlled substance abuse case study: H fans present with [euphoria] talking about and signing recruits on USCHO, [transition] watching H go up, but more down in a miserable under-achieving season, and finally [dysphoria] watching H end up < .500 only to start the cycle all over, predicated on a hope.
But hey, 12 wins is better than the previous two seasons of 9 wins, right?! Good job Donato, the kids finally wanted to win a couple of games for you! H hockey has become an utter dismal program under Donato, and that is his legacy. Success to some, would have been a trip to Semi-Finals with a 12 or 13 win season. As a college hockey fan, player, and alum... it ticks me off.