Except AvGas is even more expensive...not to mention the cost of Jet-AJust do what Kobe does and take a chopper.
I would've said a disaster movie, but yeah, a Final Fantasy game works too.
Posted by comic artist Jeph Jacques in his twitter feed:
the burning oil rig looks like something out of a Final Fantasy game:
**** you, Sephiroth.
This rings pretty hollow now.
so I assume you're going to lobby Norway to stop drilling for the good of the planet?
So the people who mocked environmental concerns about drilling haven't been shown to have been spectacularly wrong? Got it.
I don't think BP should have their contracts revoked at all. I think they should pay punitive damages to clean up their mess, and they are going to need to operate those wells to pay them.
They don't have to operate wells offshore to pay this off. They have plenty of money from other places.
They should be done with offshore drilling in the US. Period.
They don't have to operate wells offshore to pay this off. They have plenty of money from other places.
They should be done with offshore drilling in the US. Period.
They're still going to do it, under a different name. if they don't do it, the Cubans, The Chinese, The Mexicans, The Venezuelans, The Russians etc will do it. Those guys make you warm and fuzzy?