I've about had it with the caterwauling coming out of the talking heads (and therefore, people like Handy) about how much so-and-so person they deem to be evil is making in severance or in a bonus.
You know what? Good for Tony Hayward. The sum total of his life's work, whether through his education, his work experience, or more likely, a solid combination of both, got him to the point where a major multinational corporation would offer him a contract that would include a £11.8 million severance package to entice him to work for them.
If you're a BP stakeholder, like, for instance, a person who owns BP stock, your problem shouldn't be with Tony Heyward if you're upset at the severance pay. It should be with the decision-makers who, from a stockholder's AND hindsight perspective, was a poor hire in the first place.
If you're not a BP stakeholder... your opinion on how much money Tony Heyward made means less than jack****. It's nobody's business how much money he's making or what he's getting after resigning unless you're a stakeholder, but these media outlets report on it breathlessly like it's some scandal that YOU need to be outraged about, and some people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. It's a joke.