Well, we have three from our side, with me, your sister and her friend, so that's 4 for sure. My roommate named after a pork product may end up needing tickets because he wants to go, though he doesn't know yet. I asked shirtless guy a few months/weeks ago and he said that he was planning on sitting in the press box. The only others I can think of are if BPH is going, he might want a pair of tickets for him and his girlfriend, or if 'diva and flashy end up going (which the last I heard, they weren't planning on it). What about Yager, Boosh, and RossVagina? Do we know if any of them are going? I say we buy the tickets this weekend, and if anyone else wants to go, we can figure out tickets when they make that decision.
For the bar-hop, I think my roommate wants to drive it, he's training for a marathon and apparently getting drunk is bad for that, or something. But he needs a car to drive, since not many will fit in his truck.