No, the White House will not be calling her. There are about 500 GS-15s in the IC and she is 180 degrees from what they want politically, intellectually, and morally. 90% of that population is like her, so unless they go outside they are drawing from a pool of about 50.
It just blows me away that they think she is qualified to run the US intelligence apparatus. She is far more qualified that Ratcliffe, for example.
We have had The Talk about what to do if she is ever tapped for a political position with this administration. It's a serious dilemma -- do you put yourself in a position in which you are now attached to great evil for the temporary privilege of pushing back until they fire you? On paper she is simply an ultra efficient career civil servant so it could actually happen that she'd be approached for a lower level slot. But becoming a political means losing your shield against arbitrary and/or malicious punishment, and obviously this administration is the equivalent of working for a seething madman.
There's no penalty for turning down an offer because you stay a career and can't be harmed too badly. It also preserves anonymity in the face of their political network. So she is most comfortable with staying where she is and riding out the storm. There are hundreds like her with the institutional memory to restore normalcy once this fascist period passes and also to then build in protections so this can't happen again. The primary obstacles to a complete Nazi takeover this time have been their incompetence. The next time might be by smart actors. We will need to completely change the way political power runs from the EOP through the federal bureaucracy before that happens. The structures and processes that have existed since Executive Order 12333 (1981) assumed good will and good character in the President. Obviously this can no longer be taken for granted.