Is this like the Ford Escape commercials, where we get audio OR video?
End of 1
Adrian 3
Geneseo 0
Adrian 14
Geneseo 7 (per center ice scoreboard)
Pretty impressive first period from the road team. Off to read bed time stories...hope when I get back to check in this one is still a game.
It died.What the hell happened to the zamboni?
I should have taken a screen shot of that.I can't believe what I'm witnessing. They're going to chew the **** out of that ice.
I would shovel that corner, then hose it to fill in the divots and then squeegee it. That may fix the ruts.At Yost one night in the CCHA playoffs, one of the zambonis died in the middle of the ice. The other one towed it off, with the student section chanting "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" the entire way.