Deutsche Gopher Fan
Registered User
Let’s not give some people civil rights because it may upset the orcs.
fuck the orcs.
fuck the orcs.
If they are going to do it, they are already doing it.
Just like trans people are already using the bathroom they are most comfortable with, with most people not noticing...
Let’s not give some people civil rights because it may upset the orcs.
fuck the orcs.
Nice try Fish. Your nude beach analogy doesn't fly. You're flat out claiming men are going to use these changes for nefarious means even though there have always been creeps. Are you telling me there are women taking their tops off at approved locations in hopes a Boy Scout Troop shows up? Point is you have nothing to backup your fears behind this which is why people are speculating about your motives.
And I laugh at him because after all, he somehow became the judge of what's discrimination and what's not. Attitudes like his are why all the nice trans people are dead and all that's left are people like me, p-ssed off cockroach motherfuckers (which is a great name for a metal band, but I digress).
If he wants to sit here at midnight and be a gaslighting little nardbagel who wants to think he's the victim in all this, let him. I can get 1,000 of his type for $0.01. He's not special. He's not unique. And it's not that I don't give a fuck; I wager my bounty of fucks is hearty and fulsome, but I can no longer be profligate with my fucks. So I just don't have any fucks left to give HIM.
We get it. You aren't comfortable with transgender folks. That must be tough for you.
Inevitably with bigots, I need to remember it's never their fault. I remember with Bob Gray, he elevated himself to martyr status and was desperate for us to get the hammer and nails and put him up in a couple of minutes.
I still get a kick out of Bob Gray being an alias for Pennywise the Clown in It.
I don't blame you for being angry, but I do pray there are enough of us our there to give you hope for a better future. If my sons and their friends are any indication of youth at large that will happen if the remaining orcs don't get to them first.
Inevitably with bigots, I need to remember it's never their fault. I remember with Bob Gray, he elevated himself to martyr status and was desperate for us to get the hammer and nails and put him up in a couple of minutes.
This thread is something else.....
Fish, for the umpteenth time, we aren't *creating* a problem by failing to enact new laws. On the contrary, some people are trying to create new laws to address a problem that *doesn't exist*.
And you know this. It's why you move the goalposts, going from "you're naive if you think men aren't creeping into the ladies room!" - to - "we can't push too hard, society just isn't ready for it and we might scare away all the bigots."
We get it. You aren't comfortable with transgender folks. That must be tough for you. But just because you get the ickies it doesn't mean other people should have their right to exist legislated away (and the ability to go to the bathroom is a pretty fucking basic part of existence).
Bigots come in every size, shape, skin-color and sexual orientation.
So do bullies who refuse to consider what the other bigots say, and that's exactly what we're seeing from your gang right now.
Wake up. We all need to consider each others' cultural sensitivities- now more that ever -and find a way to make it work to some extent for the bulk of us.
A smart man (was it Abbie Hoffman?) once said that the difference between revolutionary hate and conventional hate amounts to the difference between dog **** and chicken ****, and he was right about that.
No one is bullying you they're simply calling you out for whining about a problem that doesn't exist.
No one is bullying you they're simply calling you out for whining about a problem that doesn't exist.