Karen's already taken as the symbolic name for the entitled and triggered white woman who calls the cops when she sees a black person doing an innocuous thing.
Use Pam. It's neutral.
And Kep, Karen is the one who asks for the manager. You're thinking of Becky or Patty.
A little bit more; want to at least finish page 2 today:
"“I love you, but I disagree with your sinful lifestyle,” another friend posted. Karen wondered what that even meant. She wasn’t that much different than anyone else; she held a job, she drank 2 cups of good coffee in the morning, had an orange tabby cat named Schmoopie, worked out most days, and volunteered on weekends with local youth organizations. She wondered how she was sinning, so she called her pastor from The Joyful Resurrection Church and asked how. Pastor Fenton Smith didn’t mince words with her. “Cis people like you are destroying the order of creation and ushering in an age of sin. God wanted you to be trans, it says so in the Bible. I can give you a list of several Bible passages where it says this! And the elders and I talked; you can attend our church, but you will lose your place on the leadership team and you will no longer be allowed to teach Sunday school. We believe cis people are a danger to children. And don’t expect me to say anything if anyone harasses you or bullies you while you’re here.”
Eventually, she will be offered conversion therapy as a way of having her positions restored. She will refuse. She will then be denied Communion, and eventually excommunicated.
You should read The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. The soldiers in it are fighting an interstellar war so every time they come home after a campaign hundreds of years have passed on Earth because of time dilation. Heterosexuality has been reduced culturally to a tolerated but not approved of perversion. He deals with many of the same themes. (It's also a good story.)
The Watchmen kind of touches on this as well with their reparations themes.
The Burden of the Cis is basically done and I've made it available to anyone who wants to read it. Just need to write the ending.
do I think the topic of gender is not as relevant as it was a few years ago?
And who did Nazi this coming?
I would love to just move ahead 50 years and skip past the death rattle of the godtards.
Today's the first legislative funnel day and it didn't make it out of committee. It's dead. That's a lot of digital ink wasted on something that was never going to pass anyway.
From someone who is delightfully queer, the outrage is more that it was ever proposed in the first place.
2. You all tell me "sunshine is a powerful disinfectant," so in some way, I'm glad these clowns are revealing themselves so we can get rid of them.
This. Give em enough rope.
It's also important to realize they didn't introduce this with the idea that it would become law (yet). It was the opposite of Virtue Signalling: it was Evil Signalling. They know their supporters get off on fantasies of revenge and violence against the people they fear. They were feeding their army of impotent bigots.
That is what conservatism has become. Fan service for incels, racists, phobes, and sociopaths.