Let's go Tech!
Re: For ECAC Fans: Where Should Our Tournament Be Held?
First, Lynah is NOT the best rink in the league. I've been to them all except Bright. They have, HANDS DOWN, the best hockey atmosphere in the east but that doesn't make it the best rink. Actually, it has some of the worst sight lines, behind on HFH in that category. If you want to have the championships at a league arena that can actually handle 4 teams, press contingents, etc., you would have to pick the TD Center, HFH, Thompson, or Cheel. Cheel doesn't seat enough and is way too far out of the way. HFH is central but it's a dump, even with its recent renovations. Thompson is old and kind of out of the way; if you're going to go to Manchester, why not grab the AHL rink there. The TD Center would be the only logical choice but I believe it would be way too small.
Plus, there's rarely the conflict of interest of Q-Pac actually making the final weekend on its home ice!
(Seriously though, if we're going to do it in league rinks, just do it in the best rink in the league, Lynah, or one of the 4000+ rinks that isn't Dartmouth as long as it doesn't have a team in the Final Four that year (a.k.a Q-PAC, HFH, or in the rare situation of Cornell not making championship weekend, Lynah, putting it at Thompson if all three of those would be a conflict of interest))
First, Lynah is NOT the best rink in the league. I've been to them all except Bright. They have, HANDS DOWN, the best hockey atmosphere in the east but that doesn't make it the best rink. Actually, it has some of the worst sight lines, behind on HFH in that category. If you want to have the championships at a league arena that can actually handle 4 teams, press contingents, etc., you would have to pick the TD Center, HFH, Thompson, or Cheel. Cheel doesn't seat enough and is way too far out of the way. HFH is central but it's a dump, even with its recent renovations. Thompson is old and kind of out of the way; if you're going to go to Manchester, why not grab the AHL rink there. The TD Center would be the only logical choice but I believe it would be way too small.