Re: Florida vs. Zimmerman - Q.E.D????????
My posts are all my point of view and there are many. Read those first. I have shown cases of injustice already including times where prosecution of potential murders aren't even allowed to proceed. I gave you Garcia. You asked clarifying questions. I answered. You walked away.
Youre a big boy. You know how to have a two way discussion. You have no stated position on the matter. You have not factually shown why I'm wrong. You say that you don't accept my arguments...but have no rationale, examples, hard evidence or statistics of your own. Youre only point is on scalability to the national stage which is irrelevant as bad justice on a limited scale doesn't mean its good justice. Bad justice is bad justice...and you have nothing to say about my examples of bad justice. You haven't explained why SYG is good justice. You haven't shown why a killer with enough evidence to bring into the justice system historically isn't even given a good justice.
Your primary approach to discussion is to ask question after question that I answer and once answered, you walk away and just ask more. Not playing til you have something to say with substance or about your own pov.
I have made my point and nowhere have you proven me wrong.
It's not up to me to prove you wrong. It's up to you to prove you're right. Which, notwithstanding your enthusiasm and sincerity, you haven't done. You are claiming certain inevitable results from SYG and have offered only your opinion and a tiny handful of annecdotes to prove your point. That is insufficient, if only because your sample size is too small. Way too small.
The issue is not whether SYG is a good law. My own view (as I've expressed several times, which you have ignored) is that at a minimum it's not necessary. It's not possible for me to "prove you wrong," since it's not possible to prove a negative. This is your theory. You've posted various permutations and combinations of your thinking on this matter. And I have simply responded that one or two or even three annecdotes where justice may not have been done do not prove your basic premise. And that is still the case. I'm not required to argue on terms you set.
Here is my "stated position." While I have some misgivings about SYG, the blood bath you claim is inevitable because of it has not yet materialized. And the Martin/Zimmerman shooting, despite the strenuous efforts of various race pimps, the MSM and His Racistness also does not prove the point either.
As to re-reading all of your many repetitive posts on this subject is concerned, I'll wait 'til the Cliff's Notes version comes out, if you don't mind. You have quoted unsourced, decidedly one sided support for your position. You seem to be able to find "quotes" which support your position, but are unwilling to tell us their origin or who is speaking. I saw a piece today that claims SYG deaths in Texas are up, although the numbers are very small. Too small, IMO, to draw any sweeping conclusions. Interestingly, the piece said most of the shooters were minorities as were the "victims." Texas, historically, has been a place where you don't want to get caught in another man's home. Now it's evidently marginally worse. What does that prove? Beats me.
Here's the piece, from the Houston Chronicle. Note it mentions a retired Houston fire fighter who shot his unarmed neighbor to death in a dispute over a loud party. He claimed SYG. The jury gave him 40 years. Note: Harris County juries are notoriously law and order, handing out vastly more death penalties per capita than other Texas counties. Harris County is frequently referred to as the "Texas" of Texas counties. Part of the lore in Houston is the legend of a local prosecutor, summing up a death penalty case, who said not only should this dude get death by lethal injection, we should dig him up every five years for a booster shot!
Just for the record, I'm not comfortable with permitting citizens to chase down criminals, after the danger has passed, and gun them down. I was in Omaha when a convenience store clerk chased a kid who had snatched a 12-pack of beer and wound up fatally shooting him. He shouldn't have done that. The danger to him and his customers (if any) was over as soon as the kid beat feet out the door. The guy was ultimately charged. I left Omaha before the case was resolved.