Re: Ferris State Hockey 2009-10 - 2 minutes for slashing
Oh, and to re-visit another discussion we had about month ago regarding the 5:05 start times, check the box scores for the attendance on Saturdays. It's not pretty when compared to the Friday attendance. I think they blew it on this one.
In order: Opponent, Friday attendance, Saturday attendance:
UConn: 1844, 1091
Robert Morris: 1129, 1146
BG: 1275, 1279 (apparently, according to USCHO, we played that Saturday at Robert Morris *shakes head*)
Ohio State: 1689, 1450
UNO: 1591, 1058
5 Friday games: 7,528, 1,505 average
5 Saturday games: 6,024, 1,204 average
The only times the Saturday games beat the Friday attendance were RMU and BG, and apparently nobody came to either game on those two weekends. This isn't a good trend for attendance the rest of the season. We'll draw for Miami, Michigan and Michigan State, but as of right now I expect the Saturday attendance to be lackluster for the foreseeable future, those three games exempted.