Princeton?1. Union
2. Cornell
3. Harvard
4. St. Lawrence
5. Quinnipiac
6. Rpi
7. Dartmouth
8. Yale
9. Colgate
10. Clarkson
11. Brown
12. clarkson
And we are officially closed to new picks. Here is an alphabetical listing of the 89 contestants without The Random Number. Make sure I did not miss you.
Overall Contest
. . .
83 TimU
84 TuteScrooge
85 Union93
86 unionbob
87 UnionHockeyManiac
88 vicb
89 VTinNY
My goal is to beat my alphabetical finish with my actual finish.
1. Union
2. Cornell
3. Harvard
4. St. Lawrence
5. Quinnipiac
6. Rpi
7. Dartmouth
8. Yale
9. Colgate
10. princeton
11. Brown
12. clarkson
And we are officially closed to new picks. Here is an alphabetical listing of the 89 contestants without The Random Number. Make sure I did not miss you.
Overall Contest
1 allnightwong
2 alslammerz
3 apple2k
4 Avalanche33
5 bigblue_dl
6 Blair_22
7 bothman
8 Brett Gobe
9 Brian Sullivan USCHO
10 burgie12
11 Casey
12 Coaches
13 College Hockey Weekly
14 ColSkate65
15 css228
16 cudmud
17 czeckthebody
18 DrDemento
19 drewcu
20 drshoen
21 Dutchfan
22 engineerhockeyfan
23 FireKnight
24 fishcore12
25 FlagDUDE08
26 FreshFish
27 Go Puckman
28 gocu11
29 GoldenBear
30 goldenbriggsy
31 Green14
32 Havasu M
33 hawthr
34 hockeyenthusiast
35 hockeyplayer1015
36 Hopkinja
37 ibanezist00
38 Ivan Lennon
39 JennyRN
40 jmhusker
41 johnk
42 jstadts
43 justlookin'
44 kdiff77
45 KnucklePuckCU
46 Let's Go BLUE!!!
47 LGR03
48 LTsatch
49 lugnut92
50 Maine-iac
51 MarkEagleUSA
52 MCgrad07
53 Media
54 Mike Hutter
55 moko
56 Muskieman
57 nopuckluck
58 nutubrownnation
59 Nyhockeyguy
60 Old Time Hockey
61 PutItBackOn
62 Rainman
63 Ralph Baer
64 rdf8585
65 REDaero91
66 REDRocket
67 Richter547
68 Rjm7272
69 Rkarger
70 RPIcrank
72 rvd5star69
73 Saints#1
74 sgt12
75 sk8tronthepond
76 slu fan
77 SLUdad
78 sshablak
79 still an empty net
80 TchrBill
81 techtodenver
82 TheValleyRaider
83 TimU
84 TuteScrooge
85 Union93
86 unionbob
87 UnionHockeyManiac
88 vicb
89 VTinNY