I'm changing things ever so slightly with how scores will appear, though the mechanics are the same in the end. Rather than a simple square of the distance between your prediction and the actual standings, I'm going to report the
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between each participant's predictions and the real standings. This change is just because I am difficult (and if people really complain, I can report both metrics). In the end, all scores will range between 1 and -1 (rather than between 0 and 572), and the CLOSEST TO 1 WINS. You have until the puck drops on the first ECAC contests (RPI at Union/Brown at Yale; Friday, 27 October at 7 PM EDT) to get your picks in.
Tie breakers are:
Pick correctly the ECACHL Regular Season Champ.
Have the most teams in the correct order of finish.
Have the most top 6 teams in the correct order of finish.
I will flip a coin.